How to Add Custom CSS to Your Tumblr Theme

Want to change that one thing that’s driving you crazy? Or maybe you want to change the entire look to personalize your theme even more. This can be achieved with custom CSS code through Tumblr’s built-in custom CSS editor. In order to add your own CSS just follow our step-by-step guide below.

How to inspect HTML and CSS elements

Screenshot of how to edit your Tumblr theme

Make sure you’re logged in to Next, go to your blog and click Edit theme.

Screenshot of how to edit advanced options for your Tumblr theme

Scroll down to the bottom of the edit theme panel and click Advanced options.

Screenshot of how to find the Add custom CSS field

Locate the Add custom CSS field and click to activate it. The field should be empty if you haven’t edited your CSS before.

Screenshot of how to add custom CSS code

Enter or paste your custom CSS code of choice. The above code will set the maximum width of our Marcel theme.

Screenshot of how to save advanced options for your Tumblr theme

Click Save for the changes to take effect.

If you’re having any difficulties after following the above steps, don’t worry. We’re here to help, contact us at

Getting started

